
Safety Not Guaranteed

I don't normally do movie reviews, but we went to see Safety Not Guaranteed at a local indie movie theater, and I loved it.

"Generic indie movie with a big heart."-Anthony.
"Most indie movies have a big heart, and this one's even bigger." -Me

My lame summary without spoiling anything: A journalist goes to Seattle with coworkers to find the author of this wanted ad (below) and write a story about him. Soon they realize it is much more serious than they think.

The movie ended up being a lot more touching than I expected. It was a very emotional movie, when I just expected it to be funny, of which it definitely also was. I like indie movies because of their down to earth normal-ness. The characters are much more relatable but still tell a compelling out-of-sorts story.  And it was quirky, cute, funny, interesting and refreshing. I want to see it again but sadly it isn't playing near me and has a limited release.

Go see it!

 Photos courtesy of the Safety not Guaranteed Facebook page.

 The Trailer:

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