This is my version of Betty Felon's Snorlax Dress
Another Snorlax dress, Snorlax is easily one of the best pokemon, and easiest to make a dress out of, though I contemplated making a Mew dress, I always ended up wanting to make a snorlax one.
First thing I did was wait until the Salvation Army Thrift Store had a $1 day, they do this about once a month and each clothing item is only a dollar each. I found two skirts that were perfect, though looking at them one doesn't immediately think of a fat sleeping Pokemon, but more likely a middle aged librarian in the 1970s. Perfect length for a short dress, even have the slip material underneath. Right away I cut up my skirts into each of the separate pieces.
I was wondering how do you make it? I want to make one but I don't know where to start. I have no experience in making clothes but if I had a blueprint of some sort, then I'm a fast learner. Thanks for you time.(: